A team manager is a bit like an orchestra’s maestro. In both cases it is necessary to manage harmony.
Since a good business is built of good employees and consists of many details that require proper management, the role of the manager is very important.
A good starting point is the Warren G. Bennis quote; “Leaders are people who do the right things; managers are people who do things right.”
Leadership involves creating a compelling vision of the future, communicating that vision, and helping to understand things. Managers, on the other hand, are responsible for making sure that the vision is implemented successfully.
Of course, these two roles overlap – to be fully effective, you need to fulfill both roles.

What is team management?
Team management is the ability of a manager to take care and coordinate a team to perform its tasks and common goals.
Effective team management skills are essential because they help employees feel more productive and motivated
Team management usually includes:
- Manager
- Team
- communication skills
- willingness to learn
- creating a positive work environment
- goal setting
Key qualities
what are the key qualities of a great manager?
Communication – the ability to communicate well with your team, especially regarding your expectations of them and from the other hand, their expectations of work.
Listening – Good managers understand the importance of listening to their team both collectively and individually.
Leading with confidence – knowing who you are and what you stand for is the basis for strong capabilities and leadership that employees can trust.
Empathy and honesty – knowing that your team is your most valuable resource – treat them as such. Take care of their needs
Authenticity – Leaders who are authentic attract and retain employees who align with their leadership style.
Be yourself!!!
Importance of management
So, we’ve covered the qualities of a manager, but why his role and his influence on the team is so important?
Besides creating a positive work environment and making sure that all team members are aligned with the goals of the organization and the team, there are other benefits:
Raising the happiness measure in the business – this is part of the role of a team leader or manager.
Ensuring that employees feel good about where they work, as this has a positive impact on the success of the business.
When companies effectively manage teams and employees feel happy and valued, their market value and financial performance can increase, employee retention levels can increase and there is often a higher quality of customer service.
As a result, customers become more loyal.
Productivity – With effective team management, you can design a culture where employees thrive.
In a survey conducted, 77% of US workers said that work culture has direct influence on their ability to do their best work.
Proper team management can build work culture that employees will focus on their job instead of worrying about external factors.
Employee turnover – in a 2021 survey, 88% of business owners said that “professional turnover is an expensive problem”.
The survey reports that US businesses spend $1.1 billion looking for replacement workers. It also reports that poor relations between managers and colleagues are the second most popular reason for resignation.
Compared to a sport manager, our job is to help employees develop their full potential.
Management tips
Here are some tips for effective team management:
Vision – Offer a clear vision.
Setting a clear vision that highlights short-term and long-term goals for projects, teams, and the overall organization is arguably the best way for managers and employees to stay focused.
Collaboration – Encourage team collaboration.
Michael Jordan taught us the importance of team management: “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.”
Delegation of authority – no matter how skilled you are, and how much you can achieve yourself. You must trust that each team member can complete the assigned tasks on time. Ideally, each team member should have a fair workload.
Motivation – Another key duty you have as a manager is to motivate team members.
Whichever approach you prefer to stick to and adopt, you need to remember that different people have different needs when it comes to motivation. Some people are highly self-motivated, while others will protest poor performance without management investment.
Development – training and coaching allow you to mold your leaders to your company’s values, identify potential candidates for leadership roles and promote from your existing workforce.
Communication – Communication skill is essential for success in almost any role.
As a manager, that skill is more important than for a regular employee, so communication and working with your team and other colleagues is super important.
Listening – an excellent manager also makes time to listen, take care of his employees and take into account feedback from employees in time of need.
Lead by example – whether it’s through showing a good work-life balance or completing tasks on time.
Transparency – A good manager has to remain transparent about his team’s work challenges and how the team will be able to solve them.
Whether you are a manager yourself or entrepreneurs who need to train a manager, remember that this role is key to your success.
It’s said that a good leader is the one who makes everything work even without his presence.
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